Title Character Director Production
Tracing Main Dancer Kat Yi Joywood Pictures
A Tiger in the Dark Kimberly (Lead) Drew Glick Drew Evans Project, Inc.
The Decadence Saga
Kill It Rene (Female Lead) Philip Henken Independent
The Beautiful Ones Ingrid (Lead) Filip K Kasperaszek Columbia University
A Tiger in the Dark Kimberly (Lead) Drew Glick Drew Evans Project, Inc. Decadence , Part 1: Final Conflict
Rewind Amy (Lead) Vincent Rubingh New York Film Academy
Suspeito Adriana José Eduardo Mattos Coração da Selva Co.
Title Character Director Production
Inside the Wild Heart Clarice Linda Wise Group.BR
The Oracle Reliquary docent Jason Schuler The Operating Theatre Co.
Untitled Consciousness Entropy PaJaMa Co. PaJaMa Co.
Opulance and Decay Live Installation PIMA Collective PIMA Collective
Cielo Arte Nascimento La Fura dels Baus La Fura dels Baus
Theatre Co. Theatre Co.
BaraFonda Project Fúria del Fuego Georgette Fadel São Jorge Theatre Co.
DNA Joana Tuna Serzedello Arthur-Arnaldo Theatre Co.
Citzenship Alice Tuna Serzedello Arthur-Arnaldo Theatre Co.
Rosencrantz and Ophelia Andre Cortada Egregora Theatre Co.
Gildenstern are dead
MFA in Performance and Interactive Media Arts, Brooklyn College - New York
BFA in Acting and Dance, Catholic University of Sao Paulo, Miriam Rinaldi, Gaby Imparato, Luis Louis.
Acting , Lee Strasberg Theatre and Film Institute , Bill Balzac and Tim Crouse, New York
Acting, Independent Classes , Cassie Terman, New York
Singing, Private Lessons, Anita Dexler, Sao Paulo
Singing, Lee Straberg Theatre and Film Institute, Elba Quezada, New York
Dance, Martha Graham Center of Contemporary Dance, Yuko Giannakis and Marnie Thomas, New York
Ballet, Martha Graham Center of Contemporary Dance, Tami Alesson, New York
Movement, Lee Straberg Theatre and Film Institute, Maya Workman, New York
Spoken languages: English and Portuguese.
Professional Dancer and Singer; Ice and In-line Skating; Horse riding; Swimming; Cycling; Driving; Most sports; Piano and Melodica.